To take part in any of these Ministries, please visit the Ministry Tab for more info.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers are adults, girls, and boys who assist the celebrant at the altar throughout the week during ceremonies such as the celebration of Masses, weddings, and funerals. Training is provided for those interested.
Boys and girls must be in grade 4 or above and have had their First Communion.
Training is scheduled several times throughout the year for the English and Spanish Masses.
After the training, altar servers will be scheduled to serve on a team that serves on a rotating schedule at the Mass time of their choice. Altar servers can also choose to be scheduled for either the English or Spanish Masses.
Lectors proclaim the word of God to the congregation at Masses and other liturgical services. It is through them that the word of God is brought forth into the ears and hearts of the people attending Mass.
Training is provided for those who are interested. Lectors are scheduled at the Mass time of their preference.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
These are women and men who assist in administering the Holy Eucharist during Mass. The ministers are volunteers and are trained in the proper and reverent handling and distribution of the body and blood of Christ.
Several of our Extraordinary Ministers also take communion to the sick, elderly, and homebound parishioners within our parish boundaries. These women and men bring comfort to the sick and dying by bringing to them the Body of Christ, and extending the community celebration of the Eucharist from the church to their homes, care facilities, or hospitals. EMHC's are scheduled at the Mass time of their preference.
Ushers / Hospitality / Greeters
The ushers help priests and parishioners at Mass by aiding in preparing the church for Mass, greeting and seating people as they arrive, taking up collections, finding and assigning gift bearers, facilitating the reception of the Holy Eucharist, distributing any literature as needed, passing out the bulletins after Mass and closing up the church after Mass if needed. These women and men also assist in case of emergencies and help ensure the sanctity and dignity of church services.